Step into the world of TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR and take charge of your supermarket. From customizing your shop to surviving the challenges of managing economics, this game offers a fusion of strategy and simulation. Dive into a world where every decision counts! It is available for free download and can be installed on the supported hardware and Windows versions mentioned below.


TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR allows players to build their supermarket, customize their shop, manage economics, buy and sell over 100 products, and expand their business. With features like dynamic pricing, survival aspects, and various customization options, players are in for a challenging yet rewarding experience.

Managing Your Supermarket

In TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR, players are tasked with the exciting challenge of starting from an empty shop and transforming it into the most successful business in town. Its emphasis on customization allows players to tailor their shop to their liking, creating a unique and personalized experience.

From choosing the layout of shelves to selecting the products to sell, every decision impacts the success of the supermarket. One of the standout features of TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR is its dynamic pricing system. Prices of products change daily, requiring players to stay vigilant and adapt to market fluctuations.

This adds realism and complexity to the gameplay, as players must strategize to maximize profits while keeping customers satisfied. Balancing pricing strategies with customer demand is key to thriving in this competitive business environment. As players progress in this PC game, they face various challenges that test their management skills.

From managing inventory levels to handling customer complaints, every aspect of running a supermarket is simulated in detail. Players must also monitor their finances, ensuring they make wise investments and avoid bankruptcy. The economic aspect adds depth and realism, making each decision feel impactful.

Exploring the City and Village

TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR allows players to explore two distinct maps: a bustling city and a quaint village. Each location presents unique opportunities and challenges for players to navigate. In the city, players can interact with various shops, purchase vehicles and equipment, and engage with different aspects of urban life.

The village setting provides a more laid-back atmosphere, allowing players to experience a slower pace of life while still managing their supermarket business. The day/night cycle and weather system in TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR further enhance the immersive experience.

Players will need to adapt their strategies based on changing weather conditions and time of day, adding an element of unpredictability. This dynamic environment keeps players engaged and encourages strategic thinking as they plan their supermarket operations. In addition to managing their shop, players can explore other locations such as the bank, ATM, and various shops in the city.

These interactions provide opportunities for additional income and resources that can help players grow their business further. Its emphasis on exploration adds depth to the gameplay experience, allowing players to discover new opportunities and challenges beyond their supermarket walls.

Surviving and Thriving

Survival aspects play a crucial role in TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR, adding a layer of realism and challenge to the gameplay. Players must attend to their character's needs, such as hunger, dirtiness, and health maintenance, to ensure they stay healthy and productive. Neglecting these basic needs can impact the player's ability to run their supermarket effectively.

Managing vehicles is another important aspect of survival in TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR. Players must ensure that their cars and trucks have enough gasoline and oil and undergo necessary repairs to keep them operational. The presence of a car mechanic in the city provides players access to essential services vital for transporting goods efficiently.

It also features a health system where players can get sick if they neglect basic self-care tasks like eating properly or taking showers. This adds a sense of urgency and realism to gameplay, requiring players to balance running their business with maintaining their character's well-being. By juggling these survival aspects effectively, players can ensure that their supermarket thrives amidst challenges.

Expanding Your Business

As players progress in TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR, they can expand their business in various ways. Customizing their shop with different equipment, furniture, and walls allows creative expression and personalization. Players can create a unique shopping experience for customers by designing their store layout according to their preferences. With over 100 products in the player's shop, there is no shortage of options for diversifying revenue streams.

Players can cater to various customer preferences, from food items to electronics, by stocking various products. This variety adds depth to gameplay by requiring players to manage inventory effectively while keeping up with changing market demands.

In addition to managing their shop, players can purchase a farm in TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR, where they can raise animals for additional income.

This farming aspect introduces another complexity as players must balance running a supermarket with managing agricultural operations. By expanding into new ventures like farming, players can increase their revenue streams and grow their business empires.

Furthermore, TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR offers opportunities for interaction with other businesses in the city through partnerships and collaborations. Players can work with companies and explore different income-generating avenues beyond managing their supermarket alone. This aspect adds depth and variety by providing alternative sources of revenue that require strategic decision-making.

Final Words

TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR offers a comprehensive simulation experience where players can build their supermarket empire from scratch. With its detailed economic system, survival aspects, customization options, and engaging mechanics, this PC simulation game provides hours of strategic entertainment for players looking to test their entrepreneurial skills.

By engaging themselves in the dynamic world of business simulation presented by TRADER LIFE SIMULATOR, players can experience the thrill of entrepreneurship firsthand while navigating challenges and opportunities.

Trader Life Simulator

  • 2021-04-28
  • 5 GB
  • 2.2


System Requirements

  • OS:Windows 10Windows 11
  • Processors:i5-3570 3.4 GHz 4 Core
  • Graphics:GTX 770 2GB
  • Platform:Windows
  • Memory:4 GB

Game Details