Adventurer Idle - Sword 0.11.15Free Download

Free Download Adventurer Idle - Sword MOD Version Unlocked Ad-Free APK for Android Phones and Tablets.

Adventurer Idle - Sword Free Download Overview

Dive into the heart of the action with Adventurer Idle - Sword. This game is not just about swinging swords and defeating monsters; it's about crafting your journey. With its idle mechanics, you can progress even when you're not actively playing, making it the perfect game for multitasking gamers and those with a busy schedule. The immersive storyline and engaging graphics ensure a fulfilling experience right at your fingertips.

Engaging Combat System

Experience a combat system that's easy to grasp but challenging to master. Your strategy will evolve with each battle, making every victory sweeter.

Character Customization

Create and personalize your hero from the ground up. Choose weapons, armor, and skills that fit your play style and become the adventurer you've always dreamed of.

Idle Progression

Your adventure doesn't stop when you do. With the idle progression feature, your character grows more robust, gathers resources, and even conquers foes while you're away.

Rich Storyline

Get lost in a world full of lore and mystery. The game's storyline is deep and engaging, with twists and turns that keep you hooked.

Vibrant World

Explore diverse environments, from dark dungeons to lush forests. Each area is beautifully crafted and offers a visual feast.

Social Interactions

You can join forces with other players, form alliances, and tackle challenges together. The game's social element adds an extra layer of fun and strategy.


Adventurer Idle - Sword is a game that proves idle doesn't mean boring. Its rich storyline, engaging gameplay, and deep customization options offer an immersive experience that keeps you coming back for more. Download the MOD version today and embark on an adventure that unfolds at your own pace.


Q: Can I play it offline?
A: The game offers offline functionalities, allowing you to enjoy its features without an internet connection.

Q: Is it suitable for all ages?
A: It's designed to be enjoyable for players of all ages, though younger players might need guidance with some game mechanics.

Q: How do I unlock new areas in the game?
A: You can unlock new areas by progressing through the storyline and achieving certain milestones in the game.

Q: Can I customize my character's appearance?
A: Character customization is a core part of the game, letting you choose the appearance, gear, and skills of your adventurer.

Q: Is there a multiplayer option in it?
A: The game includes social and multiplayer features, allowing you to join forces with friends and other players.

Q: How often is the game updated?
A: The developers regularly update the game, adding new content, features, and improvements based on player feedback.

Adventurer Idle - Sword v0.11.15

  • 2024-05-06
  • 514 MB
  • 0.11.15

MOD APK (Godmode, Damage Multiplier)

Adventurer Idle - Sword v0.11.14

  • 2024-04-28
  • 513 MB
  • 0.11.14

MOD APK (Godmode, Damage Multiplier)

System Requirements

  • OS:Android 9.0+
  • Platform:Android